Scanning quadrant.
Lieutenant, I'm picking up
metal fragments ahead.
Alloy structure indicates
from a Confederation vessel.
Angel, you catch that?
That's from Pegasus.
Ten thousand men and women...
just like that.
The concussion must've blown
pieces of the station...
all over the sector.
Warning. ENM emissions.
-Pipe down.
-Getting something.
Possible I.D. Kilrathi...
DEVEREAUX: Radio silence now.
Get into the asteroids.
Low power.
They know we're here?
MERLIN: Possibly.
From the sophistication
of the equipment onboard...
I'd say the vessel is a command
and communications module.
What's it commanding?
MERLIN: At least six other ships
down near the Brown Dwarf...
are communicating with it.
It seems to be transmitting
jump coordinates.
Angel, they've spotted
your heat corona!
I've got two more bogeys
comin' in hot, six o'clock!
Can't spot them, Blair. Call it.
BLAIR: Jack in the box
on three. One...