Tracking two more torpedoes.
Hard to port.
OBUTU: Force shield suffering
forty percent failure.
Battery room reports a fire.
I'm getting a dozen more
targets behind the battleship.
They're bringing in
We should be flattered.
Torpedo room report.
Tubes three and four
are damaged.
Autoloaders are not operational.
FALK: Captain, I'm getting
a coded friend or foe...
from the new star fighters.
It's Deveraux's wing.
All right, ladies, let's do it.
All rapiers except
Maniac and Blair...
engage those Dralthi.
See ya later, Nugget.
Watch your back, Rosie.
Broadswords, follow me in.
Maniac, Blair, cover us.
MARSHALL: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
BLAIR: Nice shooting, Maniac.