MARSHALL: Hey, Forbes,
you wanna go bury some Kilrathi?
Like you have to ask.
CONTROL: All craft
return to ship immediately.
I repeat--
all craft return to ship.
DEVERAUX: All right, ladies.
You heard the man.
MARSHALL: What about my needs?
DEVERAUX: Maniac, Forbes,
return to the ship. You copy me?
They're trying to ram.
They obviously don't want
to play nice.
Now, does that take balls,
or what?
MARSHALL: Yeah. It's not bad.
It's not bad for a woman...
but watch
how a man handles this.
What are you doing, Maniac?
MARSHALL: I'm gonna finish this
argument once and for all...
'cause this...
This takes balls.
FORBES: Maniac.
Open fire. Shoot him.
You better open fire, or I will.
MARSHALL: It's all
in the timing. It's my shot.
Come on. My shot.
No! Shit! Pull up, Rosie!
Rosie, pull up! Pull up!
Rosie, can you hold her?
I could fly this thing
and cook you breakfast.
Quit showing off.
All right. You eject...
and I'm gonna tractor you home.
Oh, you'd love that one,
wouldn't you?
The ejection system is fried.
That ain't no thing.
We'll just do it together, OK?
Just follow me in, all right?
Con, Con. This is Baker Three
and Baker Four.