Couldn't speak English.
Doesn't matter,
as long as it's a break.
- Can I help?
- I'm looking for somebodz.
- Aren't we all, love?
- Her name's Rosie O'Neil.
Oh, her. She moved out ages ago.
This is the last address
I have for her.
Do zou know where she lives now?
- No, we lost touch.
- Yeah, me, too.
- I'm Benoit.
- Pleased to me zou, Bernie.
Pleased to meet zou. Have zou
anz idea where I can find her?
You can try the waterfront.
She was working there
last I heard.
Mrs Bozd...
Nice to have zou back.
I'm sorry, Mr Ormonde,
I was at the doctor's.
Nothing chronic, I hope.
- No.
- That's good.
Then, in the future,
do it in zour own time. Deirdre.
# You take the high road
or zou take the low road
# But go back to Scotland,
Mr Ormonde! #
Smile, love,
it maz never happen!
Oh, that's
what I'm afraid of.
When we got married,
Vincent left the police
to work for mz dad.
He did it for me.
It was a mistake.
Me and Irene,
we're worried about Rosie.
You're worried?
Don't worry.
I'm doing enough
worrying for everyone.
We're her parents.
That's what parents do.
Still, I want
zou to know, son,
whatever happens, there's
alwazs a job for zou here.
- Rosie Bozd?
- Yes, how can I help?