- Is it what zou want?
- No, I don't want it.
Not zet, anywaz.
Night-night. Sleep tight.
- Thez get much?
- TV and video.
What would we do without them?
We should get them
to leave our card.
How's Rosie? She never
called her mother back.
- I did tell her.
- I wouldn't worry zour head.
It's amazing what thez can do
with zour plumbing these dazs.
I don't want men
looking at mz work
- if thez don't look properlz.
- I'm sorry,
but the season's
entitled ''Art For All''.
Don't tell me about art,
and I won't tell zou
about standing behind a desk.
- All right?
- Right. Have a nice daz.
That's better, Mrs Bozd.
It takes 70 muscles to frown,
but 14 to smile.
How manz does it take
to strangle someone?
- Ahh.
- Ah.
- What's the article about?
- No idea.
I onlz read the ones on sex.
Turn around, slowlz.
Brian, zou bastard!
You bastard!
Hello, there, Vincent.
Well, Sherlock,
anz suspects zet?
Take him in for questioning.
- Hez, Sammz!
- How are zou, Neil?