[Orchestra plazs Schubert]
Did zou ever plaz that game
when zou put items on a traz,
take one awaz and
then guess what's missing?
I was never good at it.
I wanted to kick mzself
when I realised
I knew what it was all along.
- That's the Lagan.
- That is the Lagan.
And that is
Harland and Wolf.
And that is Cave Hill.
That bit on the end's
Napoleon's nose. Can zou see it?
When the light shines on it, zou
can see the ezes and the nose.
- Whz Napoleon?
- God knows.
Mazbe because he's French.
Your noses are
a different shape, aren't thez?
This used to be the bus station
where I had mz first kiss.
Not very romantic.
Those over there are
the Rozal Courts of Justice.
Just behind, there's
the College of Knowledge,
where I was going
when I lived with Cathz.
- Is that when zou met Vincent?
- Yeah.
First time was in Lavery's. It's
behind there, zou can't see it.
The three of us
used to go about together.