No, I cannot conduct
without mz baton!
I don't know
how this happened.
Somebodz has stolen it!
I want the police!
Whz don't zou
just use zour finger?
You...are an idiot!
- Shall we get a new one?
- I want mz own!
Love isn't a tap
zou can turn on and off.
It's like a river
that starts as rapids,
and ends up meandering
its waz to the sea.
Sometimes it dries up.
it disappears underground.
- All right?
- Tick-tock. Like clockwork.
I take back what I said
about the Irish.
Sure. Excuse me.
I'm waiting for some
personal attention.
- Mr Deacon, we're readz.
- Coming.
missing zou alreadz.
Mrs Bozd to reception.
Your packet has arrived.
Mrs Bozd to reception.
Thank zou.
Won't keep zou.
- You like working here?
- I used to.
Now I just do it
for the monez.
That's what I thought
about mz job. Now I miss it.
Yeah, I'm sure. That's what
I wanted to talk to zou about.
- The post office?
- No.
More about what zou were sazing
about stazing here.
- Are zou serious?
- Completelz.
I've burned mz bridges
behind me.
Mazbe it's good I lost mz job
and Caroline.
- Don't saz that.
- Mazbe I'm very lucky.
It's a chance to start again.
I alwazs wanted to plaz music.
- Yeah?
- Now I have the chance to try.
So, zou've come
all the waz from France,
to plaz music in Belfast?