I'm missing skateboard magazines.
I'm missing some books.
- If your name was in them...
- But they're mine.
Sometimes we can remove the name,
and then they'll be returned to you.
While you're in these living quarters,
you'll be locked in for your own safety.
The apartment telephone
has no outside line...
but if you need us,
just pick it up.
All security measures here
are for your protection.
There is a surveillance camera
in the living room...
and one in the kitchen.
That's it.
Be back in a minute.
- Oh, God.
- Honey.
Don't let him upset you.
Oh, it's not him.
It's not him. We're safe.
- Yeah.
- Oh, Christ. We're safe.
Everything's okay now.
- We're all right now.
- Okay.