- And that would make you who?
- Suzie Cooper.
- Good job.
- Right on, honey.
Sean Cooper.
Has a nice ring to it.
Okay? So we're the Coopers?
The Cooper family?
And Dad's name is William.
We're gonna call him Bill.
Can I still call him Daddy?
And I'll be called Joan.
You're kidding, right?
No, I like that name.
Joan, like Joan of Arc.
I used to love her when I was a kid.
Yeah, because she was nuts.
She heard voices.
- Talking in her brain.
- Maybe. No.
It's good to hear you laugh again.
Yeah, no. Everything's great.
She gets to start off from scratch
with Suzie Cooper.
But what about me?
Steve said that he's gonna transfer
your grades under your new name.
Just my grades.
None of my extracurricular activities
are gonna be counted, right?
Like editor of the school newspaper.
Like student government.
Like debate club.
- Look.
- Sean.
Sean, come on.
I know this is tough.
But you're gonna do well
at your new school. You will.
You always have.
You'll do it again.
They don't even have anything close...
to the level of the Latin school
in Seattle.
Seattle is retarded.
One third of my high school graduates
get scholarships to Harvard.
One third.
Now I'm gonna graduate from some crap
public Seattle high school.
And none of my teachers can write
college recommendations for me.
Not for Sean Cooper.
Who is Sean Cooper?
Sean Cooper is nobody.