The Marshal's Service
doesn't provide a false resume...
or work history
or letters of reference.
Then how am I supposed to get a job?
I'd say your best shot
is becoming a laborer.
You work for a few years, get a trade,
become a skilled laborer...
and then you can join
the union...
and you can get
some family health benefits.
You're saying the best I can do is
to haul shit in a bucket, rain or shine?
The pay is $20-25,000 a year.
- We can't live on twice that.
- We can't live on that.
- That's why I'm not a nine-to-fiver.
- We don't have any money.
Nine-to-fivers don't get whacked.
Did you type in high school?
You were an administrative assistant
at a law firm.
Yeah, a thousand years ago.
You take some paralegal training, you
can move that up to $35-40,000 a year.
We threw a party last year
that cost that much, man.
- Who watches Suzie while I'm at work?
- You're both gonna have to work.
- Well, then who looks after the kids?
- It's okay.
- Fine. Let's say I go along...
- Employment is mandatory. No "if" here.
Fine. I'm in Seattle
with the lumberjacks...
with no work history
for the last 20 years.
Now, how do I get a job?
You offer to work for free
for a month.
Show them what a good worker
you are.
Work for free.
Is he serious? You're serious.
That's your answer.
This is the help the Marshal Service
gives... we work for free?
What were you expecting, that
the taxpayers were gonna pay your way?
No, of course not.
But I didn't expect you...
to cut my legs out from under me.