How Iong have you been in our viIIage?
About a month.
-Have you gotten used to it?
That's good.
-You're from the city?
-Yes, from East Gate.
How did you choose Sanhetun?
After graduation, I had nothing to do.
One day I saw someone on the street
signing peopIe up.
I signed up without asking what it was for.
I ended up here.
-Do you regret it?
Why not?
I Iike it here.
-Are you married?
-Are you engaged?
Di wiII do it. Just sit down, pIease.
Do you remember this bowI?
The white and bIue design?
No, I don't remember it.
-Did you eat the food brought to the site?
It seems Di's hard work
wasn't appreciated.
Di didn't teII me, but I knew everything.
When you were buiIding the schooI,
she made aII her best dishes.
She aIways used that bowI...
...hoping you wouId choose her dish.
Even I wasn't aIIowed to touch it.
I remember now.
You do?
No wonder the bowI seems famiIiar.
-You ate from this bowI?
What did you eat?
On the first day, I made onion cakes.
On the second,
scrambIed eggs with onions on rice.