Wo de fu qin mu qin

I saw you arguing with someone.
Was that what it was about?
Who was he?
Why do you have to go back?

It's no big deaI.
He just wants to ask me some questions.
-Can't he ask you questions here?
-It's not up to him.

WiII you come back?
Of course!
I have cIasses to teach.
When wiII you be back?
By the 27th at the Iatest.
I wiII be back before
the schooI hoIiday starts on the 28th.

-Come in and have some dumpIings.
-I can't.

I have things to do before I go.
Don't wait for me.

He's waiting for me.
TeII him to come, too.
Anyway, you have to eat.
Okay, I'II be back.
I'II wait for you.
This is for you.
It goes weII with your red jacket.
I'II be waiting.
What is going on? No more cIasses?
-He's in some poIiticaI troubIe.

I don't understand it either.
Maybe he'II be back soon.
