At my mother's request...
...my father was buried
next to the old well.
The village has running water now.
No one draws water from the well now.
My mother said that my father
can overlook the school from here.
She asks to be buried next to him
when the time arrives.
After my father's funeral...
...the mayor came to talk
about rebuilding the school.
He said the city had granted funds...
...and the village families
had donated money.
He said we must fulfil my father's wishes.
Yusheng, give me your money.
Mayor, we've saved over the years.
Take it to rebuiId the schooI.
I can't take it. You need it for yourseIf.
With my husband gone,
you have to take it.
AII right, I'II take it then.
You are the first,
but sureIy not the Iast to heIp.
I am leaving tomorrow.
Mother has asked me
to go to the schoolhouse one last time.
Mother said the next time I come back,
the school we know will be gone.
Your father heIped buiId this schooI.
He taught here for so many years.