Listen to me. Find yourseIf a nice girI...
...and bring her home to meet me.
Your father's gone.
He was worried about you.
ChiIdren Ieave home eventuaIIy.
We couIdn't keep you here forever.
As parents...
...we never stopped worrying.
Your father missed you so much.
You were aIways in his thoughts.
PIease don't cry.
It's not good for your heaIth.
With your father gone,
it's hard not to feeI IoneIy.
I know.
You must work hard
and make a good Iife for yourseIf.
''One must respect sociaI norms.
''Have respect for your eIders.
''In Iife, one must have a goaI.
''One must Iearn to read and write.