''Writing and counting benefit one's Iife.
''Keep a journaI faithfuIIy.
''Know the present, know the past.
''Spring, summer, faII and winter...
''...east, west, south, north...
''...in everything there is a purpose.''
I gathered the students early that morning.
I said I would teach them for one day.
The mayor asked me why.
I said it was for my mother
as well as for my father.
I stood in my father's place...
...where he stood for so many years.
I felt sure he could hear my voice
and those of the students.
The book I am using
is the same one he used that first day.
It is not the official textbook.
It is a book he wrote himself.
''One must Iearn to read and write.
''Keep a journal faithfully.
''Know the present, know the past.
''Spring, summer, faII, winter...
''...east, west, south, north...