It's raining hard,
let's sit down...
Egg tart?
Coming right up!
Little Cheung,
skipping school?
I'm in morning class
Little Cheung, don't
work in front of Keung.
He'll report your father
for using child labour.
Don't worry!
My job is to serve
and protect Hong Kong...
...I'm not from the
labour department!
Little Cheung,
don't worry!
You hired anybody yet?
That day I was doing my
homework in the restaurant...
Fan tumed around to
leave without coming in.
It was odd the way she ran away at the
sight of the police.
I followed her. When
I stood in front of her...
...my mind was a blank.
The only thing I could
do was laugh.
She saw me laughing,
so she laughed too.
I work very fast,
please don't fire me!
Keep working,
don't be a pest!
What's the use
of hiring a woman?
Stop gawking,
go back to work!
- Little Cheung, what are you two doing here?
- I came to play with him.
It's dirty here,
go home!
Be careful,
crossing the streets!
All wet!