Everyone brings 50 cents tomorrow.
We don't have it.
That won't do.
How can I get to the city?
How can I bring Zhang Huike back?
- No money.
- Bring your money tomorrow.
We could move bricks
at the factory.
- Move what?
- Move bricks to earn money.
- How much can we make?
- 1 .5 cents for each brick.
The factory's there.
My family worked there before.
One and a half cents.
That's not much.
So we'll move more.
How much would we have to move?
Zhang Mingshan,
come calculate on the blackboard.
One brick makes 1 .5 cents.
Ten makes 1 5 cents.
Moving 1 00 makes 1 50 cents.
Moving 1 000 makes 1 500 cents.
How much is 1 500 cents?
1 5 yuan.
1 5 yuan.
No, that's not right.
It should be 1 50 yuan.
1 5 yuan.
You added an extra zero.
It's 1 5 yuan then.
1 5 yuan, that's enough.
- Let's go to the factory now.
- Okay!
- Let's all go.
- Okay!
- Why is no one here?
- The power is out.
- Where is the director?
- He is not here.
Teacher, the boss is not here.
Let's go back.
We can't go back.
We will move the bricks first.