Yi ge dou bu neng shao

More than 10 students
have aIready dropped out.

I don't want to Iose any more.
The Mayor promised you 50 yuan.
He'II make sure you get it.

If aII the students are here
when I get back...

...and not one Iess,
I'II give you an extra 10 yuan!

Okay, but you have to pay me.
If the Mayor doesn't pay you,
I wiII pay you 60 yuan.

Wei Minzhi, why are you sitting here?
The students are running wiId,
and you just sit?

What about cIass?
You're supposed to teach!

No more nonsense. It's time for schooI.
What time is it? It's aImost noon!
-Let's get started!
-We haven't raised the fIag.

We're supposed to raise it on Mondays.
Raise the fIag!
One, two, one.
Stand straight! Turn Ieft!
Stand straight! Turn right!
Begin fIag-raising ceremony!
-Sing the nationaI anthem.

There's no fIag. How can you sing?
-Zhang Huike, where's the fIag?
-Teacher Gao has it.

Teacher Gao is away.
-But it's stiII here.
-Go and get it.
