What are you doing?
I'm going home.
Why aren't you copying the text?
-I can't.
-I don't care.
-I can't do it.
-Go back to your seat and sit down.
No one Ieaves tiII the sunIight hits
that naiI.
Those are Teacher Gao's orders!
What do you want? Go back inside!
Zhang Huike is causing troubIe!
Why don't you do something?
You shouId do something.
You're the teacher.
I can't do anything.
But you're the teacher!
There is nothing I can do!
Why are you out here? Go back inside!
I was writing.
Zhang Huike is bothering me.
Do something!
I toId you, there's nothing I can do.
Do something about it!
I'm a student. I can't do anything!
-He's too troubIesome!
-But you're the teacher!
Who knocked the desk over?
Zhang Huike.
-Not me.
-He did it.
He was pIaying around.