''Our country is a garden
''Our country is a garden
''The beautifuI fIowers in the garden
''The beautifuI fIowers in the garden''
Let's sing a different song.
It's caIIed The Red Sun.
FoIIow me!
This is....
''Red sun, rainbow cIouds
''Red sun, rainbow cIouds
''I heIp Mother wash our cIothes
''I heIp Mother wash our cIothes
Sing it again.
''Red sun, rainbow cIouds
''I heIp mother wash our cIothes''
That's her.
Come here. Her name is Ming Xinhong.
Ming Xinhong? I hear you run very fast.
She runs over 10 kiIometres a day.
ReaIIy? I want you to show me.
You see that house over there?
I want you to run there and back.
You have to run fast!
On my count.
Ready? Go!
Good, very good.
Ming Xinhong, Mr. Zhang wants you
to go to a schooI for athIetes.
-Do you want to go?
I'II teII your parents tomorrow...