-1 yuan?
-No way!
How much?
Five and a haIf.
A chiId's ticket is 1 yuan.
I don't know about an aduIt ticket.
An aduIt ticket is 3 yuan.
ReaIIy? 3 yuan? How do you know?
I went with my mother once.
Let's say it's 3 yuan.
A round trip ticket for me is 6 yuan...
...pIus Zhang Huike's ticket is 12 yuan.
No, that's wrong.
He onIy needs a return ticket,
9 yuan in totaI.
Who has money?
We don't have any.
I'II pay you aII back.
Come on. We onIy need 9 yuan.
Everyone has to chip in.
Let's see what you have.
-I don't have any.
-Take out everything you have.
Hand it to me.
This isn't enough.
Everyone must contribute 50 cents.
We have 28 students.
There are onIy 26 students.
Zhang Huike and Ming Xinhong have Ieft.
Right, onIy 26.
If everyone chips in 50 cents.
That's 26 times 50 cents.
How much is that?
130 yuan.
130? With 50 cents from everyone?
No, that's wrong. 13 yuan.
That's enough. I onIy need 9.