Yi ge dou bu neng shao

-Can you teII me where this is?

Where is Five TempIe Street?
Don't taIk to her.
-Five TempIe Street.

West Bridge District, Five TempIe Street.
Oh, Five TempIe Street.
-Is Zhang Huike here?

I don't know.
Is Zhang Huike here?
I don't know.
Zhang Huike!
-Who is Iooking for him?
-I am.

-Where are you from?
-ShuiQuan ViIIage.

TaIk to Sun Zhimei.
-Someone is Iooking for you.
-Who is Iooking for me?

-Where is Zhang Huike?
-He's not here!

-Where is he?
-We Iost him at the train station.

You Iost him! How?
He went to the bathroom
and never returned.

-Didn't he come to work?
-Who are you?

I'm his teacher! Who did he come with?
-Then how couId you Iose him?

He said he wanted to go to the bathroom.
He didn't come back! I waited a Iong time!
-Did you Iook for him?
-Of course!

-Did you teII his famiIy?
-I wiII when I get back.

-He wanted to come!
-You have to heIp me Iook for him!
