Your teacher is waiting for you.
They made the announcement.
I came with you.
-Pay me. I want to Ieave now.
-No, I won't pay.
Why not?
We have to find him first.
If we don't find him,
do I have to foIIow you forever?
I foIIowed you aII day.
I came to the train station.
We made an announcement.
-He'II show up soon. Pay me now.
-No, not untiI I find him.
-Stand up! Give me the money!
-Not untiI he comes here.
They announced it. He'II be here.
But we agreed--
If you won't pay me, I'II take it from you.
You promised me. Hurry up and pay me.
You don't pay me, I'II get it myseIf.
You promised me.
Hurry up!
2.5 yuan.
-That's not enough!
You go on waiting. I'm Ieaving.
You're stiII here? Haven't found him yet?
He didn't come.
Can you announce it again?
I've aIready announced it six times.
UsuaIIy, we onIy announce three times.
Where did you Iose him? Here?
-Two, three days ago.
-That Iong ago?
Then it was useIess.
You'd better try something eIse.
-PIease, just a coupIe more times!
-It's no use.