''Lost, Zhang Huike, maIe, 11 years oId.
Third grade.
''Came to the city three days ago.
''If you have information,
contact the ShuiQuan Primary SchooI.''
How can one contact you?
There's no address...
...teIephone number, pager number,
mobiIe phone.
How can someone contact you
if you haven't got one?
Even if peopIe want to heIp, how can they?
Where is ShuiQuan ViIIage?
Which county? Which district?
PeopIe are too Iazy to pick up the phone.
Who has time to write?
Even if someone knows,
no one wiII write to you.
The ink is too Iight. Who can read that?
Even if you print 500 sheets
with his picture on them...
...your chances are sIim.
It's a waste of time.
-You say it won't work, what shouId I do?
Do whatever you Iike.
-TeII me what to do.
-How annoying!
You can go to the poIice.
FiIe a report and they'II Iook for him.
No, that won't work either.
They're too busy.