Yi ge dou bu neng shao

-A Ietter from your schooI?

-Your student ID then.
-I don't have one.

If you don't have any ID,
how can I trust you?

You couId teII me whatever you want.
You cIaim you are a teacher
from the countryside.

How can you prove that?
How can I Iet you in without any ID?

-PIease Iet me in.

-PIease Iet me in.
-No way.

PIease Iet me in.
Listen to me. You need to go
to the advertising department.

Many peopIe come to pIace ads everyday.
But with no ID
or Ietter of recommendation...

...how can I Iet you in? We have ruIes.
I can't just Iet you in. You understand?
-Zhang Huike is Iost--
-What does that have to do with me?

Why don't you understand?
The two peopIe here before had ID.
So I Iet them in.

If something bad happens,
it's me they'II bIame.

-PIease Iet me in.

Don't wait here anymore.
It's no use. Go on, Ieave.

-What a pest.

-PIease Iet me in.
-I've aIready expIained, now just go!

Do you have money?
Do you know how much an ad costs?

-Do you have any money?

You don't have a cent?
What's the point of Ietting you in?
You're a joke.

Even if I Iet you in,
it wouIdn't do you any good. Leave now!

-What shouId I do?
-What shouId you do?
