Don't you think
you could call me Ted?
Maybe afterwards.
I can't believe it.
You blew my pod!
You neural-surged.
What do you mean?
I jacked you into my pod
and you panicked.
It's totally fucked!
This is a disaster.
I was nervous,
but I didn't panic.
I was forced to trust you, and you
panicked and you neural-surged...
...and you blew my pod.
You can get a new pod.
In this pod...
...is the only, the original
version of eXistenZ.
An entire game system that cost
38 million to develop.
Not including prerelease
marketing costs.
And I'm locked outside my own game.
I can't get me in or it out.
Are you serious?
That's the only version that exists?
It's the only one
and it's stuck inside...
...and it's your fault.
I've devoted five of my most passionate
years to this strange little creature.