All your senses
are still operating.
You'll pop right out
of the game if there's a problem.
Trying to remember who you are?
Hey, it works!
I must be Yevgeny Nourish.
And you are new to trout farm.
Yes, I'm....
I'm very new.
Did you say "trout farm"?
Yeah, trout farm.
You know, raising baby trout from eggs
and releasing them in rivers.
Entire place used to be trout farm.
From outside, you would never guess
it's now factory for making game-pods.
Seems like most everything
used to be something else, yes?
You're new, but you seem
to know what you're doing.
It surprises me more
than it surprises you.
You're new, but you seem
to know what you're doing.