
We have nice sea bass today.
Shall I bring it for everyone?
We want the special.
Did you hear me, Chinese waiter?
We want the special.
The special is for special occasions.
I cannot give you the special.

But this is a special occasion.
It's her birthday.
A birthday is a special occasion.
I will therefore bring the special
for everybody.

I guess the special
isn't very popular.

I guess not.
I wanna put the game on pause.
The game can be paused, can't it?
I mean, all games
can be paused, right?

Yeah, sure. But why? What's wrong?
Aren't you dying to see
what's so special about the special?

I'm feeling a little disconnected
from my real life.

I'm losing touch
with the texture of it.

You know what I mean?
I actually think...

...there's an element
of psychosis involved here.

This is a great sign.
Your nervous system is fully
engaging with the game architecture.

eXistenZ is paused!
