102 Dalmatians

- [Beeping]
- [Agnes Giggling]

- [Woman On Phone]
Hello? Is that you, Nigel?
- [Whimpering]

I know you're there.
I can hear you breathing.

Will you take them
up to your offýce for a while?

'Cause I just keep
staring at them...

and I'm falling dreadfully behind
with my paperwork, as you can see.

Yes, I can see.
It's probably just as well
with Miss De Vil coming in.

- Cruella?
- Y-Yes.

She asked to change her appointment.
I thought you knew.

Come on, Oddball,
Little Dipper, Dipstick.

Quick, quick, quick, quick!
Cruella De Vil,
that wretched...

- Philanthropist?
- Cruella, I didn't realize...

Oh, please, please call me Ella.
Now, Chloe,
you can't stop me.

It's my duty to demonstrate
against a fur fashion show.

And it's my duty to inform you
that if you go anywhere near fur...

I'll put you
straight back in prison.

Won't you even let me heckle
that monstrous LePelt?

- No.
- Just a teensy-weensy heckle?

You know... murderer!
[Video Game Noises]
- [Bell Rings]
- [Man] Round two!

- [Man] Knockout!
- [Barks]

Body blow! Body blow!

Bonus fall.
Round three!
[Video Game Noises Continue]
