102 Dalmatians

Get out! You are unfýt
to look upon this goddess of fashion!

Out! Out!
Cruella De Vil...
my idol, my inspiration,
at my show.

I am so sorry
for the demonstrators.

I thought they were critics.

[Knock At Door]
Go away!
you've come such a long way
from poaching weasels.

And you,
out of prison at last.

- [Knock On Door]
- [Glass Shatters]

Terrible experience, prison.

Who are you, little man?
And what are you doing in my trailer?

- You shouldn't have brought them
in here, you idiot!
- But I...

- He's with you!
- Aah!

[Dog Whimpering]
- What is this?
- Your salvation, Jean-Pierre.

Monsieur LePelt
has clearly run out of ideas.

I propose...
an alliance...
- Mmm?
- Between Monsieur LePelt...

and the house of De Vil.
- You have an idea in the bag?
- Oh, Jean-Pierre.

Together, you and I
will make a coat...

so soft, so luxurious,
so practical in any weather...

so bad that we'll rip the veils
off the eyes of fashion...

and write our names
in the pantheon of stars.

Of course.
From "poopies."

Ah, not just any "poopies."
