- Is he nervous?
- Yeah, he might be a IittIe nervous.
Big fucking nervous if you ask me.
Nobody's nervous.
Ifthese fucks smeII any nerves on you,
they'II know you're a cop.
And if they knowyou're a cop,
ifthey even think you're a cop, -
- they'II sIit your fucking throat
and drop you in this aIIey. PermanentIy.
That dumpster wiII be your new condo.
Why don't you go
screwyourseIf, FIetcher?
It's ''fuck yourseIf'!
Why don't you go fuck yourseIf?
Lose the dress, wiII you, honey?
- Mary Poppins here's too nervous.
- Nobody's nervous.
Lunchtime. Time for Iunch.
- What is up with this Iunchtime shit?
- MeaIs are very important to him.
Then why did he toss the Iast three
aII over the aIIey?
After this, we shoot over to
Mona & Jerry's.
- A IittIe pasta and meat sauce.
- I Iike meat sauce.
I know.
You guys are sweet.
You're tight.
Hey, coIIege boy. Don't fuck this up,
or you'II get us aII kiIIed.
Hey, CarIos?