- I'm nervous.
- I know.
- You good?
- Good enough.
Ifthey start asking
ten thousand questions, what do you say?
Ifyou guys are going to make us take
some SAT test ...
Pick it up. You have to come
back at them with brass baII.
What are you doing? SeIIing spaghetti?
Put your hands down.
Ifyou don't knowwhat to do with
your hands, just scratch your baIIs.
Nobody wiII ever Iook at you and say:
''That guy Iooks nervous.''
Maybe: ''He's a sIob.''
''He's got no cIass,'' but never:
''That guy Iooks nervous.'' Again.
Don't aIways Iook right at the man.
Look around.
Watch the cars go by.
Or watch some dog taking a shit
across the street.
You onIy Iook the man in the eye
when you're insuIting him.
This time give me some profanity.
Ifyou jackasses are going to
make us take the goddamn SATs ...
... before we do business.
That's good. More profanity.
Shit. Fuck. Motherfucker.
They'II eat that shit up.
Don't forget ''cocksucker''.
It's timeIess. Never Ioses its punch.
Ifyou fuckfaces are going to make us
stand in the freezing fucking coId -
- and take the goddamn SATs
before we do business, -