Boomer, are you coming up here
because you hate that city?
- Or because you Iove me?
- I Iove you, KeIIy.
And I'II prove it to you
ifyou give me one more chance.
Just Iisten to me.
Take care of everything
you have to take care of down there.
And then get up here
as fast as you can.
Beautiful night forbaseball in Chicago.
One away, bottom haIfofthe fifth.
One-one tie at this point.
Hubert tossing a dandy for Toronto.
HeIIo? PIease stop!
Hubert set. Inside and tie ball one.
He came afterhim a bit on that one.
Reallysetting the tone for this at bat.
- What seems to be the probIem?
- And it's Iong! This ball is way back!
And it's out ofhere!