- I'II find that too. I find Iost shit.
- No shit?
- No, Iost shit.
- You hunting for something right now?
- Affirmative.
- What?
That's cIassified, soIdier.
- What did those bastards take from you?
- What didn't they take from me?
They got my car, aII my bags, my money.
- Nothing that matters.
- HoIy cow. Let me see that.
Oh my. You've got yourseIf an agenda.
A Iong-term agenda.
- Lucky Iady know it's coming?
- It'II come at her Iike a curve baII.
- Think she'II take a swing at it?
- I wish I knew.
What the fuck are you doing?
I see it.
Watch the road, man.
Worry not, Boomer boy. She'II swing
for the fences and then some.
- Home run?
- Out ofthe park, happy ending.
You've got good energy, boy.
Things are going to go your way.
Don't worry.
I'm going to stake you to a bus ticket.
- We've got to get you to this girI.
- You're aII right, FIash.
Hey, FIash, is there any speciaI reason
you're driving ...
... 400 miIes an hour?