Get to Chicago by Sunday.
Esquire Lounge.
Tarbender will tellyou what to do.
- He's gone.
- What happened?
You got yourseIf a date in Chicago
on Sunday at the Esquire Lounge.
- Good. But you must come with me.
- I'II meet you down there.
- Goodbye and good Iuck.
- No, you're coming with me.
- How are you doing, Harry?
- Who are you?
I'm the president of
the MiddIetown weIcoming committee.
- And that's the vice-president.
- Fantastic.
WeIcome to MiddIetown, dickhead.
One simpIe, easy phone caII?
The word was you were tough, Harry.
I'II break you in two so fast.
I'm not Harry James.
WouId you teII him this?
He's not Harry James.
He's not even haIf the man Harry is.
He's a nobody. A Ioser.
They get your point.
TeII the boys we've got him
up at NoveIIi's hardware.
Go get the truck now!