Shizuko, what's your sign?
I'm a Leo.
- I'll read your horoscope.
- That's not it.
Here it is.
"Serious and shy by nature,
you seek an opportunity to change."
"Now's your chance to
meet your new self!"
"Step out and take a chance!!"
Go for it, Shizuko.
It's your week!!
There's all this great stuff
about stepping out,
How about going, right now!
Like to the convenience store!
Can I come along?
We're still finishing up here.
You go get us something.
Shizuko's such a wimp.
Wasn't there one in your class?
Always studying.
Her shift's over.
She should go home.
There's lots of people like her.
She'll always be like that.
I wonder what she sees in life.