After Sex

Celebrate minutes.
- But celebrate? It seemed much longer.

It is our average.
- Real?

With ' n drink is possible t '
however, n minute or twenty is.

Or t becomes an hour or six.
But generally t four is minutes.

Have only timed themselves you,
or have you timed me?

Why I? It is my watch.
Weet I,
but why you doesn't ' t ' s try?

It is two concerning halfzeven.
There lies in each chamber
however, something of you, Matthew.

Everywhere lies what.
It is n ongelooflijke zooi.

What is this nou
for terrible troop?

It are my spullen.
- There n stone in the sleep chamber lies.

If you rub, ie luck brings.
I nevertheless would withdraw at you?
- Still even not.

When do you finish t painter work?
But I go s.
