After Sex

Are you called really this way?
- Joseph, voluit.

I survive t, however.
- Permanently, however, Joseph.

Can I obtain something for you?
Ijszak to do?

I zat rather to something as a champagne
to think.

Vanavond at eight o'clock?
Do I bleed in fact?
It is not believe really
how small this thing is.

Are ie impermeable?
- No idea.

You find t also not delicious
for amorous to be?

Ah, you have of course married.
I had permanently married but.
The marriage is tof.
It will make clear how amorous
we are, just like at your.

I am simply enraged on my Matt.
I find t tof
that he n action hero wants become.

I have nevertheless this way found t. I have t
really complete a lot found. And you also.

We all, as a matter of fact. Except Kate.
What n mafketels has had those.
All men are, however, n beetje snooze.
John nevertheless also?

Matt are also n beetje snooze.
There does t in love nevertheless twist for?
All those leuke, funny, maffe solicitting.
That makes t marriage also this way terrible.
This way sits that with you and John nevertheless also?
You are nevertheless terrible amorous on m.?

You are nevertheless besotted?
- Deliciously for amorous to be, yes.
