After Sex

You make but no care.
Differently get you still n child.

I am not happy.
- That must be you, however. I regulate t, however.

Just on my hair.
Against Naldo I but say that
an extra long need nood-lunchpauze take.

Perhaps t lies to me.
I weet t also not,
Traci give themselves normally entirely.

Since she has been being
she has scarcely touched me.

Also something has happened strange with Janet.
Or something has cracked.

- Yes, at last there is now sex.

Each day. Two times. I do not manage t.
- That is nevertheless beautiful?

How much is that?
- No idea.

But what is you...
- It is, however, fine, but t is pure sex.

At least, thus t feels, as pure sex.
Hoezo, ' no idea '?
It is not per se bad.
A relation knows his seasons.

Hillocks and valleys, to scram and windows,
ebb and vloed.

Ebb and vloed?
Where have do ie t in godsnaam?
