After Sex

You cannot send n relation.
Two times daags, seven days...
That is fourteen times in the week.

We hear have sex,
purely do not have sex.

It is ordinary sex, and then sleep.
- Cuddle no longer afterwards?

It started all after that reisje.
I have the plague to r.
- It comes by her.

Yes, by her.
But n nice thing.
Does t do no pain?
- That can say you, however.

He is swollen.
The mazzel, boys.
They would have separate.
- Why?

He goes strangely.
In t first year is not unfaithful
the cause. Rather financial care...

You must read not too much books.
That is not the reality.
- What can its inaccuracy make a difference you?

It does not hear. How you would find t
as Traci n affair had?

And Vicki then?
Then we will have each other still.
