I was saving them for you.
Kwita, you're a pal.
Did you bribe...?
The old hag?
Are you nuts?
We got nothing to eat.
We can't feed the rats.
Rosa !
Come inside !
Don't hang out
with these glue-sniffers.
Can Aicha the witch
get into the cave?
No, she lives in the water.
And she's nine-feet tall.
If she lived in the cave,
her head would stick out!
Why haven't you gone down?
She's probably
strangling him right now.
We can't leave him in there !
Are we still burying him?
You should've seen
what Omar did to them !
It was wild !
You destroy ed that guy, Omar!
A stone...
right in his balls !
In the end,
the y all ran away!
- Is it true?
- E v en Dib was s cared !
You s crewed up, man !
I forgot, so what?
What is it?
We're cooking
in the bathroom !
Where are you now?
In the living room.
That's simple !
When you want to rest,
you go to the living room.
To piss,
in the bathroom.
To eat, in the kitchen.
We must tell his mother.