How would you like
to visit your father?
I don't even know him!
Maybe it's time you did.
There's no rush.
You've said that for 1 0 years.
It'll only get harder.
I don't want to. Just drop it.
You don't want to...
That's not the point.
He's your father.
Stop pretending he doesn't exist.
His health isn't what it used to be.
One day it'll be too late.
I said no, so lay off me.
Like it or not, you're going.
Let's get it over with.
You can't force me...
I will if I have to.
For your future.
You can kick and scream,
it won't change a thing.
These are pictures of you.
Your mother sent them.
I haven't found room for them yet.
These are your brothers.
I had three children.
Take a look.
the eldest.
He works at the factory.
Frederic is at university
in Toulouse.
This is Benjamin, the youngest.
The wildest of the three.
It's a little red.
Does it hurt?
Do you often get migraines?
1 01 is high.
Yes, it is.
- Is your husband in?
- He just got home.
I'll have a word with him.