Alice et Martin

What time is it?
I don't know.
On the dot.
It's the first time.
For what?
That it's exactly 12 when I look.
The hands are touching.

Martin and I are on vacation.

We've rented a house in Spain,
in the middle of nowhere.

There's no electricity or water,
but it's cheap.

Martin won't see anyone.
He swims all day long.
His coma shook him up
and he needs to regain confidence.

I rented a scooter.
Today I'll go into town.

So I'll mail you this.
All my love, Alice.

I saw the owner.
He asked how long we're staying.

I don't want to leave.
And where would we go?
How about home?
It's been two weeks.

Two weeks is nothing.
I called your bank.
You're down to zero.

We can't stay here.
With everything I made?
You can't imagine.
Your hotel bill alone was 12,000.
They'll give me credit.
