It's systematic and boring.
Next time, save yourself the trip.
He's a brick wall.
A brick wall.
Don't say that. He's suffering.
He makes all of us suffer.
That's all we do here.
I'm happy and fulfilled.
It pisses him off.
Let's take a ride
on your motorcycle.
Not a good idea. I'm drunk.
What a fun night.
Why don't you stay tomorrow?
Come on, you saw how he greets me.
It's the same every time.
Anyway, I'm glad you came. Thanks.
Yeah, let's keep drinking.
"I, curtailed
of this fair proportion,
"cheated of feature
by dissembling nature,
"deformed, unfinished,
"sent before my time into
this breathing world half made up,
"so lamely and unfashionable
that dogs bark at me
"as I halt by them -
"I, in this time of peace,
"have no delight
to pass away the time
"unless to spy my shadow in the sun
"and descant on mine own deformity.
"Since I cannot prove a lover
to entertain these fair days,
"I am determined to be a villain
"and hate the idle pleasures
of these days."
Was I a ham? Tell me!
You didn't like it?
No, I'm just surprised
you chose that role.
You don't look like a monster.