I'm drunker than shit.
Can you ride or not?
Hell, yeah, I can ride.
I was riding when I fell off.
I'm a regular buckaroo.
Certified damn bronc peeler.
Just leave him lay there.
Get on and quit assing around.
It's fixing to come a good one.
Come on.
I can't be out in this.
-Where do you think you'll go?
-Why can't you?
On account of the lightning.
Damn if you don't look sober all of a sudden.
-Are you afraid of lightning?
-It runs in the family.
My grandpa, he was killed
in West Virginia in a mine bucket.
It run all the way down the hole
to get him, 180 feet.
A great-uncle on my mother's side...
...was killed off a horse.
Horse's hair wasn't singed, but it killed him.
I got a cousin not 4 year older than me.
He was struck by lightning
coming back from his barn.
Melted the fillings in his teeth
and soldered his jaw shut.
He's gone completely dipshit.
I done been struck twice myself.
How come me be deaf in this one ear.
I'm born to death by fire, man.
You'd better get away from all metal.
You don't know what it'd get you.
Your boot spurs, shirt buttons....
What do you intend to do?
Outride it.
You can't outride a thunderstorm.
What the hell is wrong with you?
It's the only chance I got.