I need a new crowd.
Do you wanna come?
- You sure?
- Ask me again.
Do you wanna come?
- You've gotta call me.
- Okay.
It's all happening.
It's all happening.
It's all happening.
- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah. Great.
And it's not about money
and popularity--
And the chicks are great. Right?
Keep the small bills on the outside,
and call me if anyone gets drunk.
I will call you if anyone,
anywhere, gets drunk.
- Good.
- And don't take drugs.
Ha-ha. Very funny.
See? Sense of humor.
Funny joke. Have fun at the dance.
I'm glad you're making friends.
- Mom, stay.
- Okay.
Love you. Bye.
I always tell the girls,
never take it seriously.
If you never take it seriously,
you never get hurt.
If you never get hurt,
you always have fun.
And if you ever get lonely...
you just go to the record store...
and visit your friends.