Almost Famous

Fucking kid's doing drugs.

No more than four days...
and I want you to give me
a phone number where you are.

I want you to call me twice a day,
and you do not miss more than one test!

And no drugs.
Oh, this is a big mistake.
Come on, Doris, you darling bus.
You can make it.

- This is what I was talking about.
- Russell, excuse me.

I was wondering
if maybe we could...

find some time to talk
when we get to Phoenix.

I want to interview everyone separately,
and I thought we'd start with...

-just you and me.
- Absolutely.

- I've got a thing in a couple days.
- We'll figure out something later.

just enjoy the ride.
- Keep playing that song.
- All right.

Come by in a few minutes.
We'll do that interview.

- All right?
- Sure.

- Is this Mr. Miller?
- Yeah.

You have a message from Elaine.
Your mother.
She's a handful.
- I know.
- She freaked me out.
