Almost Famous

but somehow it's all turning around.
We have got to control
what's happening!

- There's a responsibility here.
- Excuse me.

Didn't we all get into this
to avoid responsibility?

I can't say any more
with the writer here.

You can trust him.
Say what you want.

He won't write it.
I work as hard, or harder,
than anybody on that stage.

You know what I do?
I connect.

I get people off!.
I look for the one guy
who isn't getting off...

and I make him get off.
Actually, that you can print!
And yet, why do I always end up
feeling like I'm a joke to you?

You want to pretend this isn't
gonna be a very big band? Well, it is!

You call yourself
a leader of this band...

but your direction
allowed this T-shirt...

when you allowed Dick
to manage us.

'Cause he's your friend!
Don't you see, man?
The T-shirt is everything.

Is it my turn now?
Because I think we should, for once,
say what we really mean.

- This is the part where you quit!
- Right. I'm so predictable.

Deal with it.
And let me say
what nobody else wants to say.

- What?
- Your looks have become a problem!

All right, enough!
Break it up.

Everyone out of the room
for five minutes.

Hey! Yeah.
William. Sorry.

Come on, man. Come on.
Let's go find something real.
From here on out, I'm only interested
in what is real.

Real people, real feelings.
That's it.

That's all I'm interested in
from here on out.

You're real.
- Thanks.
- You know...

you know all about us,
and I don't know shit about you.
