
Those red spots are only crab lice.
Don't worry, Nellie.

Dad, this is the chance of a lifetime!
Put some of that on it.
You could be happy for me at least once.
I thought you would help me
in the practice.

That's what you promised me, once.
The course in research with Grombek
I told you about....

If you pass, you can work
in any research centre--

In any elegant private clinic.
The purpose of human suffering
is to make doctors rich and famous.

I just want a top education--
-Kevin has such a terrible cough.
-Nellie, don't touch that!

I want a career,
even if you think it's stupid.

I don't want to end up in such a....
Yes, go on.
At least take the blue one with you.
Maybe you'll go out.

Mom, I'm going to Heidelberg for work.
Taking a dress with you doesn't mean....
I'm not going to get pregnant
and ruin my career.

Thanks. That's really nice of you.
Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
Did you apologise to Dad?
I really try, but hearing him say...
...that successful people are criminals,
just because he's only a--

Even if Dad can't stand his father...
...he should visit him at least once.
He's really in bad shape.
Will you write to me?
Mom, this is going to be great!
