
What are you doing?
Using a corpse as a toy train?

No trace of ethics, you stupid assholes.
I'll get you sooner or later.
Those from Heidelberg already
have Grombek the whole year.

Hard, but unfair. The perfect sadist.
He's brilliant in his field, though.
Who is your professor?

I was with Botticelli in Berlin.
Now I'm doing my AIP at the Sorbonne.

Huber, Munich.
-Kledermann, Emden.
-What? There's no university in Emden.

There's a butcher shop.
My uncle is a butcher.

He slices like a God.
Seriously. There, you learn the difference
between tripe and steak.

-A difference of at least 30 DM.

-...a doctor, I mean....
-Meat is meat and has its price.

Heart costs more than liver,
liposuction less than breast surgery.

Medicine is a service,
and we all want to earn well, don't we?

-I'm from Heidelberg too.

Specialised in anabolism.
But call me anyway,
the next time you're naked.

Actually I'm a charming person.
I love bird calls and know the names
of many flowers.

But I'm a doctor.
-Paula Henning.

Your grandfather was dean here, right?
Basic Neurological Anatomy.
Heidelberg '57.

That's a nice dimple.
